
5700A/5720A Series II Calibrator
Service Manual
1 V
10 ms
Figure 5-6. Waveform at Pin 11 of K2
4. Check the 220 µA range of the 220 µA/2.2 mA AMP circuit. Set the Calibrator to
200 µA, standby. Set the external ac reference to 6.4V(±0.1V) at 1 kHz. Using a
DMM, measure the ac voltage at the collector of Q4 and verify it is 2.0V ac ±10%. If
a failure is detected, first verify that the 10 k shunt on HR2 is correct and that it is
connected to SCOM thought relays K5C, K5D, K10, K13 and the 1.2 load resistor
R14 as in Figure 5-8. If the shunt and output switching is correct check Q4, Q5, K3,
and the associated components in the 220 µA/2.2 mA AMP circuit.