
Chapter 2. ANSI Emulation GEK-00029B
Other Graphics Considerations
In horizontal format, an LF causes the paper to advance one or two
dot rows based on the vertical dot density, regardless of whether 6-bit
or 8-bit graphics has been selected.
In vertical format, the paper is advanced as the dot rows (6 or 8,
depending on graphics mode) are printed.
Graphics Sequences
ESC P DCS (Device Control String):
Enters dot graphics mode at the
density and format previously selected by the
ESC [ <p1> ;<p2> ; <p3> q sequence. Following this sequence, the
printer prints discrete dots and leaves spaces based on the 1s and 0s
in the low order six bits of each byte received. forming graphic dot
rows from left to right. To exit from dot graphics mode, use ESC \.
While in graphics mode (after ESC P and before the ESC \ sequence),
8-bit graphics can be printed instead of 6-bit by using one of the
following sequences:
ESC " 1 n1 <data bytes> 60 dpi horizontal
ESC " 2 n1 <data bytes> 120 dpi horizontal
ESC " 3 n1 <data bytes> Uses current horizontal and vertical
n1 number of data bytes to follow
<data bytes> n1 bytes of graphics data
When the number of bytes of 8-bit data specified by n1 have been
processed, and prior to receiving an ESC \ sequence, the data will
print as 6-bit graphics.
Decimal: 27 91 80
Hex: 1B 5B 50
BASIC: CHR$(27);"P";
ESC [ p1 b REP (Repeat Text or Dot Graphics Character):
Repeats the single
preceding character p1 times. If p1 is 0 or unspecified, it is set to 1.
The maximum value for p1 is 32,767.
Decimal: 27 91 <p1> 98
Hex: 1B 5B <p1> 62
BASIC: CHR$(27);"[<p1>b";