
Chapter 3. Printronix P300/P600 Emulation GEK-00029B
The electronic vertical format unit (EVFU) is used to download
vertical tabs to the printer. It allows jumps to preselected lines on the
form through vertical moves of the paper.
The maximum form length is 22 inches (176 lines at 8 lpi).
Using the EVFU
Using the EVFU is a two-step process. The first step is to load the
channel control table with codes for the form being used. One byte
must be loaded for each line of the form. A channel code can be
inserted in the byte to indicate a stop (or vertical tab location).
The second step is to send a channel command to jump to a specified
channel (location on the paper).
On the following pages are charts and sample programs showing the
codes for loading the EVFU table and selecting channels for paper
Points to Remember
When a table is downloaded, VFU will be displayed.
The vertical format type must be set to Emulation VFU through
the control panel using the
Setup | Vertical Format | Type
Select |Emulation VFU
menu option.
GenPtrOpts | Group 2
strap to enable received
select/deselect must be set to OUT.
Printer option 3 (see Table 11 in Appendix D, Printronix 300/600
Emulation Options) must be enabled to enable EVFU loading. If
option 3 is not enabled when a start load RS code is received, the
table will not be loaded and all control characters received before
the end load US code will be interpreted as data.
When using serial interface with the PI lead enabled, the interface
settings menu must have the serial options set to
PI Lead Use 8-
Send the EVFU table at the start of a line to prevent a loss of data.
These charts contain the channel commands to load the EVFU table
and for selecting a channel for vertical moves.