
Chapter 2. ANSI Emulation GEK-00029B
EVFU Default
The default EVFU will be generated based on the current form length
and lpi setting under the following conditions:
When the printer is initialized
When either the forms definition or lpi setting is changed
When the start EVFU load escape sequence ESC ] is immediately
followed by the end load sequence ESC \
When the emulation is changed from P Series or Dataproducts, to
The following chart shows how the default EVFU table is defined:
1 Top Margin (first line
2 Bottom Margin (last line)
3 Single Spacing
4Double Spacing
5Triple Spacing
6Half Form
7 Quarter Form
8Tenth Line
9 Bottom of Form (bottom margin)
10 Bottom of Form minus 1 line
11 Top of Form minus 1 line (last line this form)
12 Top of Form
Skip to Channel Command
ESC [ p1 ; p2 ! p GENVFU (VFU Channel Command):
Commands vertical paper
movement to the channel specified by the number formed by p1 and
p2. Valid channel numbers are in the range 1- 12.
0;1 - selects channel 1
0;9 - selects channel 9
1;1 - selects channel 11
Channel 1 is always used for TOF; channel 12 is always used for
vertical tab. When the channel number is greater than 12, the
program defaults to channel 1. If the table has not been loaded and a
channel command is received, it is ignored.
Decimal: 27 91 <p1> ; <p2> ! 112
Hex: 1B 5B <p1> 3B <p2> 21 70
BASIC: CHR$(27);"[<p1>;<p2>!p";