Warning: For colorimetric measurements the cuvet should be completely free of any trace of oil. Do not
use the oiling procedure for colorimetric measurements.
To hide minor imperfections and scratches, the cuvets should be oiled outside with the supplied silicone oil.
This is very important, especially for low turbidity samples (< 1 NTU), otherwise scratches can contribute
and alter turbidity readings.
The silicone oil has the same refractive index as the glass and will not alter the turbidity readings. It is
important to apply only a thin layer of silicone oil.
Warning: Do not apply silicone oil in excess because it may retain dirt or contaminate the cuvet
holder of the instrument, altering the turbidity readings.
It is very important to apply the silicone oil on a clean, dry cuvet. Apply a few drops of oil and wipe
the cuvet thoroughly with a lint-free cloth. Wipe off the excess oil till you obtain a thin, uniform
layer. If the procedure is correctly followed, the cuvet should appear nearly dry with no visible oil.
Note: The supplied cloth for oiling should be stored together with the silicone oil bottle and cuvets,
taking care to avoid contamination with dirt. After a few oiling procedures, the cloth will
contain enough oil to wipe the bottle with it without adding more oil. From time to time add
some drops of oil on the cuvet to provide the necessary oil quantity in the cloth.
It is very important for low turbidity readings to always insert the cuvet into the instrument in the
same position.
All cuvets are factory indexed. This index can be used to put the cuvet with the factory mark on the
cuvet aligned with the sign on the instrument top.
To further reduce the effect of glass imperfections, the cuvet can be indexed and use this new index
as the position mark.
For indexing one cuvet or matching multiple cuvets, the continuous reading mode is suggested. In this
mode, if READ/TIMER
is kept pressed, multiple successive readings are taken without turning off
the lamp. After first reading is displayed, it is possible to open the cuvet lid and rotate the cuvet
without generating an error condition. The turbidity is immediately displayed, reducing considerably
the measurement time. The lamp of the instrument will turn off only when READ/TIMER is
Note: The instrument can not perform continuous readings if the average mode is on.