disk drive enclosure A unit that holds storage system devices such as disk drives, power supplies,
blowers, I/O modules, transceivers, or EMUs.
disk drive enclosure event A significant operational occurrence involving a hardware or software
component in the disk drive enclosure. The disk drive enclosure EMU reports
these events to the controller for processing.
disk group A physical disk drive set or pool in which a virtual disk is created. A disk
group may contain all the physical disk drives in a controller pair array or a
subset of the array.
EIP Event Information Packet. The event information packet is an HSV element
hexadecimal character display that defines how an event was detected. Also
called the EIP type.
Element Manager GUI The graphical user interface (GUI) through which a user can control and
monitor a storage system. Command View EVA can be installed on more
than one storage management appliance in a fabric. Each installation is a
management agent. The client for the agent is a standard Web browser.
element 1. In a disk drive enclosure, a device such as an EMU, power supply, disk,
blower, or I/O module. The object can be controlled, interrogated, or
described by the enclosure services process.
2. In the Storage Management Appliance software, a controllable object,
such as the Enterprise storage system.
EMU Environmental Monitoring Unit. An element which monitors the status of an
enclosure, including the power, air temperature, and blower status. The EMU
detects problems and displays and reports these conditions to a user and the
controller. In some cases, the EMU implements corrective actions.
enclosure A unit used to hold various storage system devices, such as disk drives,
controllers, power supplies, an EMU, I/O modules, or blowers.
Enterprise Virtual Array The Enterprise Virtual Array is a product that consists of one or more storage
systems. Each storage system consists of a pair of HSV controllers and the
disk drives they manage. A storage system within the Enterprise Virtual Array
can be formally referred to as an Enterprise storage system, or generically
referred to as the storage system.
Enterprise Virtual Array rack A unit that holds controller enclosures, disk drive enclosures, power
distribution supplies, and enclosure address buses that, combined, comprise
an Enterprise storage system solution. Also called the Enterprise storage
system rack.
See also rack.
event Any significant change in the state of the Enterprise Storage System hardware
or software component reported by the controller to Command View EVA.
See also controller event, disk drive enclosure event, management agent
event, and termination event.
fabric A Fibre Channel fabric switch or two or more interconnected Fibre Channel
switches that allow data transmission.
Fibre Channel A data transfer architecture designed for mass storage devices and other
peripheral devices that require very high bandwidth.
hp Stor ageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Updating Product
Software Instructions