operating systems, and JREs, 20
operating systems, recommended browsers, 20
OS timeouts, 29
OV SAM, 19, 98
password protection, 82
password protec
tion, removing, 48
platform kit upgrades, 47
platform kit website, 19
platform kits, 19
platform kits upgrades, time estimate, 47
platform kits, release notes, 23
prerequisite docu
ments, 22
prerequisites, 18
PRS, 99
Quick Restore CD v2.
0, 41
rack stability, warning, 12
recommended browsers, 20
recommended VCS vers
ion, 25
Red Hat Linux, Netscape Navigator versions, 20
redeeming licences, 40
redeeming licenses,
redundancy, Vdisk, 39
reference documents, 22
related documentatio
n, 17
release notes
host kits, 25
platform kits, 23
remote error notification, 99
required kits, 18
required licenses, 20
restoring, Storage Management Appliance software, 41
SANworks Network View, 98
serial number, Storage M
anagement Appliance, 45
service packs, 27, 40
Settings page, 41, 52
SMA software v1.0c, 27
SMA, with Command View EVA versions, 27
SMI-S EVA, installing, 84
SNMP notification, 99
software compatibility, 26
software compatibility, summary, 25
software kits, 18