DR4300 Circular Chart Recorder
178 DR4300 Circular Chart Recorder Product Manual 12/03
Lower Display
Type of Test
Reason For Failure
How to Correct the Problem
background Recorder detects an input failure.
Two consecutive failures of input
1 integration (for example,
recorder cannot make analog to
digital conversion.)
1. Be sure the range and actuation are
configured correctly.
2. Check the input source.
3. See input set up group in Section 4 –
Configuration, Startup, and Operation of
Recorder with Display and change the “IN
TYP” or “LD CAL” to a different type.
Enter it, loop through the status tests,
then return the input type to the original
4. Recalibrate if step 3 does not clear the
error. Refer to Section 5 – Input and
Output Calibration for Recorder with
5. Replace the printed circuit assembly for
the pen.
background Input out of range. The process
input is outside the range limits.
1. Make sure the range and actuation are
configured properly.
2. Check the input source.
3. See Section 4 – Configuration, Startup,
and Operation of Recorder with Display to
restore the factory or field calibration, as
4. Field calibrate using the procedure in
Section 5 – Input and Output Calibration
for Recorders with Display.
5. Replace the printed circuit assembly for
the pen.
Indicates that one or more error
messages are active for the pen
channel for which values are not
on display.
For example, if value of INP1 is
on display, while the input for pen
2 fails, P2 ERR will be displayed.
This alerts the operator to the
need to switch the display to pen
2 to view the active error
messages associated with that
channel’s input and printed circuit
1. Press the FUNC
key to toggle to the
other pen channel.
2. Watch the display to see all error
messages for the active channel.
3. Follow the procedure in this table for
each message displayed.
power-up RAM failure 1. Cycle power or press the reset switch
SW2 to see if the error clears.
2. If error does not clear, replace the printed
circuit assembly for the pen.