12/03 DR4300 Circular Chart Recorder Product Manual
2.3.2 Mounting Flush in Panel (New Panel Cutout)
Refer to Figure 2-3 and follow the procedure in Table 2-2 to make a new cutout in a panel and mount your
recorder in the cutout.
Table 2-2 Mounting Flush in a New Panel Cutout
Step Action
At the appropriate location, make a square cutout in the panel. Cutout dimensions should be
322.56 mm ± 1.52 mm x 322.56 mm ± 1.52 mm [12.7 in ± 0.060 in x 12.7 in ± 0.060 in]. See
Figure 2-3.
Orient the recorder case properly and slide it into the cutout from the front of the panel.
Support the recorder as shown in Steps 3 and 4.
Refer to Figure 2-3. From the back of the panel, attach a mounting bracket to each side of the
recorder case using a 1/4-20 x 1/2-inch hex screw for each bracket (mounting hardware
supplied with recorder). Leave the screws slightly loose so you can adjust the brackets.
While holding the recorder firmly against the panel, slide each bracket against the back of the
panel and tighten the screws.
Hex screw,
1/4-20 x
1/2 inch and
Figure 2-3 Mounting Flush in a New Panel Cutout (Rear View)