DR4300 Circular Chart Recorder
182 DR4300 Circular Chart Recorder Product Manual 12/03
8.5.3 Pen Trace Troubleshooting
Table 8-7 explains how to troubleshoot a problem with the pen trace not matching the (correct) displayed
value, assuming that the pen channel is configured to trace the input value.
Table 8-7 Troubleshooting Pen Trace Failure Symptoms
Step What to do How to do it or
where to find the instructions
Check the ink cartridge for proper
Reposition or replace the ink cartridge as
described in Section 6 – Routine Maintenance.
If the pen arm is severely warped, replace the
pen arm as described in Section 9 – Replacing
Hardware Assemblies.
Check that the chart agrees with the
actuation type and check chart and pen
set up.
Replace wrong chart with correct chart. Refer to
Section 4 – Configuration, Startup, and Operation
of Recorder with Display for instructions for
viewing the configuration.
See Section 6 – Routine Maintenance for
instructions for replacing the chart.
Check the pen alignment Follow the procedure in Subsection 8.6.
Check the sensor for the proper type and
its ability to function.
Verify the input configuration data and operation
of the sensor.
Measure input signal at TB2 or apply calibration
source to verify input signal.
Replace the servo plate assembly. Refer to the replacement procedure in Section 9
– Replacing Hardware Assemblies.
Replace the printed circuit assembly for
the pen with the problem.
Refer to the replacement procedure in Section 9
– Replacing Hardware Assemblies.