Page Display Definitions
GNS-XL Flight Management System
Rev. 2
The following are the action required messages that may appear on
the SYSTEM MESSAGES Page. All will cause the message annun-
ciator to flash.
System Message Explanation
ENTRY REQUIRED Information required on the Initialization
Page must be verified/entered. (Date, GMT
and Position).
HOLD/ENT Manual procedure for putting the VPU (non-
IRS equipped) into the Primary Navigation
Mode when groundspeed is less than 50
MAN HDG REQD There is no heading input to the system and
an H-field antenna is installed with the RPU.
A manual heading entry must be made on
NAV Page 3.
MAN TAS REQD There is no TAS input to the system and the
RPU is using fewer than three Comm sta-
tions for navigation. A manual TAS entry
must be made on NAV Page 3.
VERIFY POSITION Aircraft composite (blended) position is in
question and must be manually verified.
VAR WARNING Magnetic variation cannot be automatically
computed, and MAN VAR REQD. A manual
variation entry must be made on NAV Page
3 (i. e. aircraft position is north of 70° N lati-
tude or south of 60° S latitude).