ADVISORY: (continued)
System Message Explanation
DR HDG/TAS The system is in the Dead Reckoning (DR)
DR TK/TAS Mode and is using one of these four combi-
DR TK/GS nations of inputs to compute position.
EXT WPT REJECT CDU has rejected an external waypoint input
from a radar or EFIS. (Maximum 99 external
waypoints received or 999 waypoints
HIGH HOLDING SPD During Holding or when system is about to
enter a Holding pattern, TAS is high enough
to cause the aircraft to stray outside the
boundaries of protected airspace.
IRS ONLY>30 MIN System has been operating enroute in IRS
Only Mode for more than 30 minutes. The
message annunciator will not illuminate if the
aircraft is Weight On Gear.
IRS ONLY>10 MIN System has been operating in the terminal
area in IRS Only Mode for more than 10
minutes. The message annunciator will not
illuminate if the aircraft is Weight On Gear.
MEM FAIL Non-volatile memory has failed at least par-
*NAV RDY The system is ready to be placed in the
Primary Navigation Mode. Message annun-
ciator will not illuminate. This message is
displayed only when GPS is unavailable and
another senbeor is being used.
NDB FAIL Database has failed.
NDB OUTDATED Expiration date of the database has been
reached. Database should be updated.
NDB-WW EXP 27OCT Worldwide (WW) or North American/
European (NA) database and expiration
NO AUTO LEG CHG An automatic leg change will not occur upon
reaching the TO waypoint. Message annun-
ciator will not illuminate most of the time.
Page Display Definitions
GNS-XL Flight Management System
Rev. 2