ADVISORY: (continued)
System Message Explanation
NO NAV The system is not navigating. Message
annunciator will not illuminate.
POS WARN>1.7 NM Based on the signal strength or geometry,
the VPU sensor quality may be such that the
composite position may have more than 1.7
nm error and may not be suitable for naviga-
tion in the terminal areas.
POS WARN>2.8 NM Based on the signal strength or geometry,
the VPU or VLF sensor quality may be such
that the composite position may have more
than 2.8 nm error and may not be suitable
for enroute navigation on J/V routes.
POS WARN>3.8 NM Based on the signal strength or geometry,
the VPU or VLF sensor quality may be such
that the composite position may have more
than 3.8 nm error and may not be suitable
for enroute navigation on J/V or Random
POWER OFF POS The system has lost power in flight for more
than 7 seconds and the #OFF waypoint is
available. Reviewing the #OFF waypoint
page removes this message.
SENSOR MISCOMPARE The difference between the CDU composite
(blended) position and a sensor position
exceeds a predetermined amount.
*STRG INVALID The system has stopped computing a roll
command steering output due to invalid
heading, auto-TAS, navigation leg, ground-
speed or crosstrack distance. Message
annunciator will not illuminate.
TAS FAIL The True Airspeed input to the system from
the Air Data Computer is invalid.
USING MAN HDG An H-field antenna is installed with the RPU
and a manual heading input is being used.
Page Display Definitions
GNS-XL Flight Management System
Rev. 0