User’s Manual for InterForm400® 195
How to distribute E-mails and faxes in InterForm400
Setup of E-mailing is done in three steps:
1. Create a new type of finishing Definition (Type 05=E-mail). This splits up the spool file
depending on the spool file page data and places details in the User Defined Data field.
2. Insert execution of the e-mail Finishing Definition in Auto Forms Control.
3. Insert execution of function P=Send PDF E-mail in Auto Forms Control
Note, that the E-mail/Fax finishing definition can send both e-mail and faxes in one
procedure (Faxing requires purchase of InterFax). If both a fax number and an e-mail is
found in the spooled file or returned via a program for one customer then InterForm400
will use the e-mail address. (If the field for the e-mail address is blank InterForm400 will
look for a fax number).
In order to get PDF output you need to purchase the PDF module or the classic
package for InterForm400.
The E-mail/Fax Finishing Definition
You can work with the finishing functions if you from the InterForm400
main menu
choose 5. Work with Auto Forms Control and 4. Finish Definitions. You can now add
a new finishing Definition by pressing F6:
Create Finish Definition PRS310D
Definition name . . . . . . DEMO______
Description . . . . . . . . Distribution of the Demo spool file____________
Type of Finishing . . . . . 05 01 = Prinserter
02 = Stapling per Recipient
03 = Prepare for inserting
04 = PFE Mail-Printer
05 = Prepare for E-mail/Fax
06 = PDF Filenaming
07 = Reformat Spooled File
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
We are creating a new finishing definition for the InterForm400 Demo spool file.
Press Enter to create the finishing definition: