User’s Manual for InterForm400®
This will process the last QSYSPRT spooled file for the current job, calling the program
BPSAMP in library LIB1 for every page in this spooled file.
Keyword DTAPARM describes where to find the values for parameters DATA01-DATA10
(see PageBuilder program parameters below) which are passed to program BPSAMP.
(‘INVOICE NO’ 10 10 1 80 51 51) = specification of DATA01.
Value will be ‘INVOICE NO’ (or blank if not found in line 1-80 position 51).
Length = 10 characters.
Length = 10 characters, when returned from the program BPSAMP,
(*ANY 9 9 11 11 12 12) = specification of DATA02.
*ANY indicate
whatever found (in line 11 position 12).
Pass 9 characters to program BPSAMP
Return 9 characters from program BPSAMP.
The DATA01-DATA10 parameters can be used for searching for a specific text in the
spooled file. Note however that they return/find only the FIRST occurrence on the page.
PageBuilder program parameters
Parameter # Length Usag
1 3 I CRTPBSPLF call option STR, PAG or END
2 64 I Value from the APPIDPARM keyword
3 256 I/O DATA01 (input from spool file - DTAPARM)
4 256 I/O DATA02 (input from spool file - DTAPARM)
..... 256 .... ....
12 256 I/O DATA10 (input from spool file - DTAPARM)
For examples of sources for a Page Builder Program see member PAGBLDPGM and
PAGBLDPGM2 in source file APF3812/APISRC. PAGBLDPGM2 illustrates how to use
the *PAGE option.
The Convert PCL Spooled File Command
The APF3812/CVTPCLSPLF command converts a PCL spool file to a SCS spool file.
This command has been created mainly for converting J.D. Edwards OneWorld spool
files to SCS, making it possible to merge the spool file in InterForm400