224 User’s Manual for InterForm400
Work with reformat definition RFM300D
Definition name . . . . . : DEMO_REFOR
Description . . . . . . . : Reformat the Demo spooled file
Number of detail lines per output page
1st page per level break . ____
Following pages . . . . . ____
Maximum number of blank lines
between 2 detail lines . . __
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
You fill in the fields:
1st page per level break This indicates how many detail lines, that there is room for
on the first page for each document or customer (after a
level break).
Following pages The page header will be excluded from the second and
following pages. That should make room for more detail
lines. You type how many lines there are room for here.
Maximum number of blank
lines between 2 detail lines As a part of reformatting there might be some new blank
lines within the detail lines. Here you can limit the number of
the blank lines.
Press <Enter> and you will get a list of rule lines describing how the detail lines should be
handled and build up. Type a new sequence number and press the <Field Exit> key to create
a new line:
Work with reformat definition RFM300D
Definition name . . . . . : DEMO_REFOR
Description . . . . . . . : Reformat the Demo spooled file
Reformating detail lines Rule 02 All non empty detail lines
01 All non empty detail lines
Rule Description
1.0 ______________________________
If position . . . . . . . . ___ 1-378
length . . . . . . . . . __ 1-30
compare type . . . . . . _ = > < N A U
compare value . . . . . _______________________________
occurrence . . . . . . . ______ *ALL, *FIRST, *LAST
Number of lines to handle . . . ____ 1-99, *VAR
Action . . . . . . . . . . . . _________ *REFORMAT, *DELETE
Line-ID code . . . . . . . . . ____
Call user exit program . . . . ____ *NO, *YES
F3=Exit F11=Delete F12=Cancel
Here you first enter a condition to select only this specific type of detail line. This condition will
only be considered for the lines after the header: