
Sincethe controlsare a push-turntype,theymust bepushed downbeforeturning. To set
(from the OFF position), push down on the controlknob and turn in eitherdirectionto
desired setting.
Whenthecontrolisinanyposition,otherthanOFF, itmaybeturnedinanydirectionwithout
A green indicator lightwill glowwhen a surface heating element isON. There are four
indicatorlights, one for each element.
1. 2. _. 4.
1. Left rear eJement(rear Energy-Saver or standard griIJ)
2. Leftfrontelement (frontEnergy-Saver)
3. Rightfront element (front Energy-Saver or standardgrill)
4. Right rearelement (rear Energy-Saver)
NOTE: The "Energy-Saver"grillelement (right)is includedwithModel
SVE47600andmaybepurchasedas anoptionforothermodels.Itpermits
utilizingonlyhalfofthegrillarea,if desired,orusingdifferentsettingsfor the
frontand rear positionof the element. When usingthis element, both
cooktopcontrols,frontandrear,mustbe turnedon inordertouse thefurl
NOTE SVE47E00Model: Onlytheleftrearortherightfrontcontrolsmust
beturnedonto usethefull grill.
The size andtype ofcookwareand theamountandtype offood beingcookedwill influencethe
settingneeded for bestcooking results. Electricalvoltage may alsovary, whichwillaffect the
neededcontrolsetting. The settingindicatedshouldserveasa guidewhileyoubecomefamiliar
with your range.
Hi Afast heat to start cooking quickly,to bring liquidsto a boil, to preheat oil for deep
fat hying. Use for most grilling.
7-10 (Medium High) For fast frying or browning foods, to maintain rapid boll of large
amounts of food, to maintain oil temperature for deep fat frying.
5-6 (Medium) For foods cooked in a double boiler, saut6ing, slow boil of large
amounts of food, and most frying.
3-4 (Medium Lo) To continue cooking foods started on higher settings.
Lo-2 Maintaining serving temperatures of foods, simmering foods, melting butter or
The controlsoffer flexibilityinsettingselection. On settingsotherthanHi, you may adjustthe
controlaboveorbelowthenumberedsettingforbestresults.This appliesto settingswhenusing
cooktopcartridgesorwhen usingthegrilloranyofthegrillaccessories.Suggestedsettingsare
providedas generalguidelines.