
WithyourJenn-Airgrilland accessories, literallyanyfoodyou've considered"atitsbest" when
preparedoutdoorscan nowbe prepared indoorswithlessfussand greatflavor. The following
suggestionsare goodrulesto follow and willincrease yourenjoymentof the equipment.
Be sureto follow directions onpage 14 forusingthe gdti.
Experience willquickly indicate cooking times as well as which settings work best.
Use the Energy-Saver grillelementfor grillingsmall amountsof foodon halfofthe gdllor
for keepingcookedfoodswarm orpreparingfoodsrequiringdifferentcontrol settings.Note
SVE47500 Owners: The Energy-Saver grill element can be purchasedas an optional
accessory. (See p. 50.)
Forbestresults, buytop grade meat. Meat that is at least3/_inchthickwill grill better than
Score fat on edges of steak, but do not cutintomeat, to prevent cudingwhile cooking.
Forthe attractive "branded"look on steaks, be sure grillispreheated. Allow one side of
meat tocooktodesireddoneness, oruntiljuicesappearonthetopsurface, beforeturning.
Tum steaksand hamburgers just once. Manipulatingfood_?,_useslossof juices.
When bastingmeatsorapplying saucesto foods, remember that excossiveamountswind
up insideyour grilland do not improve thefood flavor. Apply sauces during the last t 5 to
20 minutesof cookingtime unlessrecipespecifiesotherwise. Sugar-based sauces,when
used excessively,wilJcarmelize on the grill-rocksand create extra cleaning.
There are many meatmarinades whichwill helptenderize less expensive cutsof meatfor
cookingon the grill.
Certain foods,suchas poultryand non-oilyfish, may need some extra fat, Brushwithoil
or meltedbutter occasionallywhile grilling.
Use tongswithlong handlesorspatulas fortuming meats. Do notuse forksas these pierce
the meat, allowingjuices to be lost.
To help retainmeat juices, saltafter cookingis completed.
Shouldgrilledfoodsbe preparad and ready before you're ready to serve, turncontrol toa
lowsettingand covermeatwithasingleshset ofaiuminumfoil. Foodwillcontinuetocook.
Be sure the grillis cool and controlsare OFF.
Grill Grates
These are made fromcast aluminumand are coatedwiththe Excelibur_ nonstickfinish.
Afterthe grillgrateshavecooled,wipeoffgrateswitha paper towel Wash coolgrates(DO
NOT IMMERSEHOTGRILL GRATES INWATER) withsoapordetergent inhotwaterin the
sinkorwashtheminthedishwasher. Beeureto removeall foed residuebeforecooking on
the grillgratesagain.
Removestubbomspotswithaplasticmeshpufforped. Forbestresults, useonlythose
cleaning productswhich state they are recommended for use when cleaning nonstick
It grateswere washed in the dishwasher, season with oilpriorto grilling. (See p. 14.)
outdoor charcoal gril/s. These willremove thefinishaswell asscratchthe grates. Do not
clean in self-cleaning oven or use oven cleaners on the grates.