
Checkthe followinglistto be sure a service call is really necessary. Aquick reference
of this manual may prevent an unneeded service call.
If nothing on the range operates:
checkfora blowncircuit fuse or a tripped maincircuitbreaker.
checkif range is properlyconnectedto electriccircuitin house.
If ventilation fan does not operate but everything else on the range
check behind lower access panel if power cordto blower assemblyhas been
If grill heating element or cooktop does not get hot enough:
cheek if heatingelementispluggedin solidly.
surface controls may not be set properly.
voltage to house may be low.
If ventilation system is not capturing smoke efficiently:
checkon crossventilationin roomor make up air.
excessive amount of smoke is being created; check instructionsfor grilling,
trimmingmeats. (See pp. 14-16.)
outsidewa_lcap may be trappedshut.
rangemay be improperlyinstalled;checkductinginformation. (See p. 49.)
airfiltermay be improperlyinstalled (See p. 9.)
If oven does not heat:
the ovencontrels may be set incorrectly.
clockcontrols may be set for delayed start of oven.
If the oven light does not work:
the lightbulbis looseor defective.
ovenlightdoes not workduringself-cleaningprocess.
If oven will not go through self-cleaning process:
controlsmay be improperlyset.
checkthe clockcontrolledsettingsandthe currenttime of day on the clock.
If oven did not clean properly:
ovenmay need longercleaning time.
excessive spills were not removed prior to self-cleaning process.