Dinner Plate Place foods to be heated on dinner plateor similar dish. 1-2servings
Cover with plastic wrap and vent.
After cooking, allow to stand for 3 minutes.
Frozen Entree Remove from outer display package.Slit cover. 10to 21 oz.
If not in microwave safe container, place on a plate.
Cover with plastic wrap and vent.
After cooking, allow to stand for 3 minutes.
Potato Pierce each potatowith a fork and placethe oventray 1-4medium
around the edge, at least one inch apart. (approx.
After cooking, allow to stand for 5 minutes. 8 to 10oz. each)
SouplSauce Placefoods to be heated inan appropriately sized 1-4cups
microwave container. Cover with plastic wrap and vent.
After cooking, stir and allow to stand for 3 minutes.
Frozen Removefrompackage,rinseoff frostunderrunningwater. 1-4cups
Placeinan appropriatelysizedmicrowavecontainer.
Vegetable Add amountofwateraccordingtothe quantity.(1-2cups: 2 tablespoons,
3-4cups :4 tablespoons).Coverwithplasticwrap and vent.Aftercooking,
stirand allowto standfor 3minutes.
Fresh Prepareas desired,washand leaveresidualwateron thevegetables. 1-4cups
Vegetable Placeinan appropriatelysizedmicrowavecontainer.
Add amountofwateraccordingtothe quantity.(1-2cups: 2 tablespoons,
3-4cups :4 tablespoons).Coverwithplasticwrap and vent.Aftercooking,
stirand allowto standfor 3minutes.
Canned Remove from the outer display can. 1-4cups
Vegetable Place in an appropriately sized microwave container,
cover with plastic wrap and vent.
After cooking, stir and allow to stand for 3 minutes.
Popcorn Popcornlets you pop commerciallypackaged 3.0-3.5 oz.
microwave popcorn. Pop only one packageat a time. package
Forbest results, use fresh bag of popoom.
Placebag of prepackagedmicrowave popcorn
on the center of turntable.
Beforepopping,remove the rack from the oven (referto Page 29).
Pizza This isreheat function for a leftoverpizza. 1-3slices,
Placeon papertowel on a microwave safe plate. (5 oz. each)