Using aluminum foil (cont.)
• Placethe container in a glass bowl and add some
water so that it covers the bottom of the container,
not more than 1/4in. (.64 cm) high.This ensures
even heating ofthe container bottom.
• Always remove the lid to avoid damage to the
• Use only undamaged containers.
• Do not use containers taller than 3/4 in.(1.9 cm).
• Container must be at leasthalf filled.
• To avoid arcing, there must be a minimum 1/4 in.
(.64 cm) between the aluminum container and the
walls of the oven and also between two aluminum
• Always place the container on the turntable.
• Shield parts of foodthat may cook quickly, such as
wing tips and leg ends of poultrywith small pieces of
aluminum foil.
• Heatingfood in aluminum foilcontainers usually
takes up to double the time compared to reheating
in plastic,glass, china, or paper containers.
The time when food is ready willvary depending
upon the type of container you use.
• Let food stand for 2 to 3 minutes after heating so
that heat is spread evenly throughout container.
Cooking you should not do in your
microwave oven
• Do not do canning of foods in the oven. Closed
glassjars may explode, resulting in damage to the
• Do not use the microwave oven to sterilize objects
(baby bottles, etc.). It is difficultto keep the oven at
the high temperature needed for sterilization.
• Do not deep fry foods.
Removing the rack
• When popping commerciallypackaged popcom,
Remove the rack from the oven; Do not placethe
bag of microwave popcorn on the rack or under the
CAUTION : Popping microwave popcornwith rack
cancausefire or damage to yourmicrowave oven.