Caring for Your Microwave Oven
To make sure your microwave oven looks good and works well for a long time, you should
maintain it properly. Forproper care, please follow these instructions carefully.
For interiorsurfaces: Wash often with warm, sudsy
water and a sponge or
soft cloth.
Use only mild,
nonabrasive soaps or a
mild detergent.Be sure
to keep the areas clean
where the door and
oven frame touch
when closed.Wipe well
with clean cloth.
Over time, stains canoccur on the surfaces as the
result offood particles spattering dudng cooking. This
Forstubborn soil, boil a cup of water in the oven for 2
to 3 minutes. Steam will
softenthe soil.To get dd
of odors insidethe oven,
boil a cup of water with
some lemon juice or
vinegar init.
To use of the metal rack:
The metal rackgives youextraspace whencooking
in more than one container at the same time.
1. Placerack securely inthe four plasticsupports.
• Rackmust not touch metal walls or back of
microwave oven.
2. Place equal amounts of food both above and
below rack.
To avoid risk of property damage:
1. Donot cook with rack on floor ofthe oven.
2. Usethe metal rack whencooking equalamounts
of food atthesame time.
3. Donot userack topop popcorn.
4. Rackmust be on thefour plastic supportswhen
Forexterior surfaces and control panel: Use a soft
cloth with spray glass
cleaner. Apply the spray
glass cleaner to thesoft
cloth; do not spray
directlyon theoven.
NOTE: Abrasive
cleansers, steel wool
pads, grittywash
cloths, some paper
towels, etc., can dam-
age the control panel and the interior and extedor
To clean turntable and turntable support, wash in
mild, sudsy water;for
Glass turntable heavily soiled areas use
a mild cleanser and
scoudng sponge. The
turntable and turntable
support are dishwasher