The RC Configuration Software
5. Select or create a new working directory
(see Figure 4).
Figure 4: Change Working Directory Window
6. Continue to run the setup according to the installation instructions.
4.2 Downloading and Installing the Drivers
The RC system peripheral devices have device drivers that let them
communicate with computers. The device driver needs to be installed so that
the computer can recognize it and control it. The Kramer RC Configuration 2
software uses driver commands to control these peripheral devices.
4.2.1 Download the Drivers
Check—according to your list of peripheral devices (see the example in
Figure 1) —that you have all the required drivers:
Kramer machines have drivers that are provided within the package
Other peripheral device drivers that are included in the package
Download the required drivers to a folder (for example, C:\Media-Room-
1\Peripheral Device Drivers).
1 The working directory will keep the information that is essential for operating the software. This information will remain
unchanged while upgrading the software