The RC Configuration Software
# Feature Function
Button Macro Area
11 Button Macro Display Box Displays the macro RC commands’ Description, Delay and Port
in sequence. Select an RC command to duplicate, delete, or
change its position in the sequence
New Command Button Click to add a new command to the Button Macro display box
(see section 4.4.1)
Duplicate Command Button Duplicate a command in the Button Macro display box
Delete Command Button Delete a command from the Button Macro display box
Move up the selected command
Move down the selected command
12 RC command Area (see section
Appears different for different ports and includes the following
features of the command selected in the Button Macro display
Description Text Box Optional descriptive text for the command
Port Drop-down Box Displays the port associated with the RC command: Select a port
when modifying or writing a new RC command
13 Delay after command Text Box
Set a delay time following the command
15 Button lighting Area
Select the buttons that will illuminate, turn dark or remain the same
following a command (the lighting configuration can be different for
each command within the sequence). Toggle between ON (yellow),
OFF (black) and No Change (gray). You can also click reset to
reset the buttons to No Change (gray)
Figure 18 shows the Event Macros Tab:
Figure 18: Event Macros Tab
1 The button macro display box displays <No Description> under Description and None under Port
2 Shows after checking this option in the configuration menu (see section 6.3)
3 In seconds or milliseconds, via check box