The RC Configuration Software
Table 2: The Port Manager Window Features
The Item Description
Port Lists the ports available for the selected machine
Description Type a description of the port
Settings For serial ports, press the white area to open the serial Settings window and define the baud
rate and parity
For Ethernet ports, press the white area to open the Ethernet Settings window and define the
IP address and TCP port
Default Driver Press the white area to open the Drivers Tree window and select the default driver for this port
Press to clear the Default Driver data
Reset Press to reset to default definitions
4.4 The Kramer RC Configuration Main Window
After importing the drivers and defining the ports, use the Kramer RC
Configuration main window to assign a sequence of commands (the macro)
for each RC button. Figure 17 illustrates the Kramer RC Configuration 2 main
window, and Table 3 defines it:
Figure 17: The Kramer RC Configuration Main Window