6 - 7 HFM-SFI
CS1000 Code Scanner
OB15 MB Description
017 (021) ISC (Idle speed control) at upper control stop area, malfunction
018 (022) CC,EFP actuator signals in limp home mode (emergency mode)
019 (023) O2 sensor (before/upstream of Cat. Conv.), voltage too large
020 (024) O2 sensor (before/upstream of Cat. Conv.), open circuit
021 (025) O2 sensor (before/upstream of Cat. Conv.), signal incorrect
022 (026) O2 sensor (after/downstream of Cat. Conv.), voltage too large
023 (027) O2 sensor (after/downstream of Cat. Conv.), open circuit
024 (028) O2 sensor (after/downstream of Cat. Conv.), signal incorrect
025 (029) O2 sensor heater (before/upstream of Cat. Conv.), heater current (amp) too small
026 (030) O2 sensor heater (before/upstream of Cat. Conv.), heater current (amp) too large
027 (031) O2 sensor heater (before/upstream of Cat. Conv.), heater current, short circuit
028 (032) O2 sensor heater (after/downstream of Cat. Conv.), heating current (amp) too small
029 (033) O2 sensor heater (after/downstream of Cat. Conv.), heating current (amp) too large
030 (034) O2 sensor heater (after/downstream of Cat. Conv.), heating current, short circuit
031 (035) Fuel adaptation (lambda) control, mixture too lean (rich stop)
(Intake air leak, fuel injectors, diaphragm pressure regulator)
032 (036) Fuel adaptation (lambda) control, mixture too rich (lean stop)
(Intake air leak, fuel injectors, diaphragm pressure regulator)
033 (037) Injection valve cylinder 1, short to positive
034 (038) Injection valve cylinder 1, open circuit or short to ground
035 (039) Injection valve cylinder 2, short to positive
036 (040) Injection valve cylinder 2, open circuit or short to ground
037 (041) Injection valve cylinder 3, short to positive
038 (042) Injection valve cylinder 3, open circuit or short to ground
039 (043) Injection valve cylinder 4, short to positive
040 (044) Injection valve cylinder 4, open circuit or short to ground
041 (045) Injection valve cylinder 5, short to positive
042 (046) Injection valve cylinder 5, open circuit or short to ground
043 (047) Injection valve cylinder 6, short to positive
044 (048) Injection valve cylinder 6, open circuit or short to ground
045 (049) Self-adjustment too rich at Idle
(Intake air leak, fuel injectors, diaphragm pressure regulator, wear engine)
046 (050) Self-adjustment too lean at Idle
(Intake air leak, fuel injectors, diaphragm pressure regulator, wear engine)
047 (051) Self-adjustment too rich at Lower part load
(Intake air leak, fuel injectors, diaphragm pressure regulator, wear engine)