Mercedes Benz
Code Scanner CS1000 OB15-11
4. Read Fault Codes
Press the
key to begin to read the fault codes for the system selected. The scanner will scan all of the
fault codes and keep them in memory.
Press the
key to scroll through the fault codes xx . The display will cycle to the first code after
the last code is displayed. When there are no faults in the system,
0 will be displayed on the screen.
There are 5 digital numbers for fault code for the ME-SFI control system, the fault code will
automatically display 1 digital number first then 4 digital numbers later. For example, the fault
code 1234 will display C 0
then 1 2 3 4 . C 0 stands for (Power-train system)
5678 will display C 1
then 5 6 7 8 . C 1 stands for (Chassis system)
0110 will display C 2
then 0 1 1 0 . C 2 stands for (Body system)
4321 will display C 3
then 4 3 2 1 . C 3 stands for (Unspecified system)
5. Identification/Rectification of Faults
A. Identify fault code and related circuit using this manual or using the factory diagnostic manuals available
from Baum Tools Technical Publications 415-566-9229.
B. Carry out required repair before clearing fault codes.
About Current, Stored and Registered Faults
Current Faults - These faults are detected while the car is running at idle or speed. They represent components
currently failing. These codes cannot be erased, and are only meaningful with the ignition on and the engine
running. Codes found in this system with the KOEO have no meaning. Components not present on the vehicle may
be flagged as failing by the cars internal diagnostics due to the generic nature of the cars software. This is
particularly true in C-Class (202) cars.
Stored or Permanent Faults - These faults are recorded in the permanent memory of the cars system controller
and are the main cause of MIL illumination. These codes can be erased.
Registered Faults - These faults are recorded in the temporary memory of the of the cars system controller. This
temporary memory records the number of times a component fails. When a certain number of failures has occurred
the fault is moved to permanent storage and the Check Engine Light (MIL) will be illuminated. On cars equipped
with Fault Registers the Check Engine Light may stay on after the Stored or Permanent Fault has been erased if
another occurrence of the fault has happened since the Permanent Fault was stored. To extinguish the light erase
the Stored and Registered faults. These codes can be erased.