Models Model Years
124.026 124.030 124.050 124.090 124.051 124.230 124.290 1988-95
126.024 126.025 126.035 126.039 126.045 126.134 126.135 1988-91
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 8-pin
Yellow Socket 7
Black Socket 1
Red Battery (+)
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 In car temperature sensor, short circuit
3 In car temperature sensor, open circuit
4 Outside temperature sensor, short circuit
5 Outside temperature sensor, open circuit
6 Evaporator temperature sensor, short circuit
7 Evaporator temperature sensor, open circuit
8 Heater core temperature sensor, short-circuit
9 Heater core sensor, open
12 Engine coolant temperature sensor, short circuit
13 Engine coolant temperature sensor, open circuit
30 Coolant pump, short circuit
31 Duo valve short circuit/open
33 A/C compressor control module short circuit
34 Auxiliary fan relay faulty
50 Switchover valve unit, faulty at between pins 5 and 8 (7 connections)
51 Switchover valve unit, faulty between pins 8 and 7 (7 connections)
52 Switchover valve unit, faulty between pins 8 and 3(7 connections)
54 Switchover valve unit, faulty between pins 8 and 4 (7 connections)
55 Switchover valve unit, faulty between pins 8 and 6(7 connections)
56 Switchover valve unit, faulty between pins 8 and 2(7 connections)
57 Switchover valve unit, faulty between pins 8 and 1(7 connections)