Multicast Routing – Routing for multicast packets is supported by the Distance
Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP) and Protocol-Independent Multicasting -
Dense Mode (PIM-DM). These protocols work in conjunction with IGMP to filter and
route multicast traffic. DVMRP is a more comprehensive implementation that
maintains its own routing table, but is gradually being replacing by most network
managers with PIM, Dense Mode and Sparse Mode. PIM is a very simple protocol
that uses the routing table of the unicast routing protocol enabled on an interface.
Dense Mode is designed for areas where the probability of multicast clients is
relatively high, and the overhead of frequent flooding is justified. While Sparse mode
is designed for network areas, such as the Wide Area Network, where the probability
of multicast clients is low. This switch currently supports DVMRP and PIM-DM.
System Defaults
The switch’s system defaults are provided in the configuration file
“Factory_Default_Config.cfg.” To reset the switch defaults, this file should be set as
the startup configuration file (page 3-23).
The following table lists some of the basic system defaults.
Table 1-2 System Defaults
Function Parameter Default
Console Port
Baud Rate auto
Data bits 8
Stop bits 1
Parity none
Local Console Timeout 0 (disabled)
Authentication Privileged Exec Level Username “admin”
Password “admin”
Normal Exec Level Username “guest”
Password “guest”
Enable Privileged Exec from Normal
Exec Level
Password “super”
RADIUS Authentication Disabled
TACACS Authentication Disabled
802.1x Port Authentication Disabled
HTTPS Enabled
SSH Disabled
Port Security Disabled
IP Filtering Disabled