
Access Control List Commands
permit, deny (Extended ACL)
This command adds a rule to an Extended IP ACL. The rule sets a filter condition for
packets with specific source or destination IP addresses, protocol types, source or
destination protocol ports, or TCP control codes. Use the no form to remove a rule.
[no] {permit | deny} [protocol-number | udp]
{any | source address-bitmask | host source}
{any | destination address-bitmask | host destination}
[precedence precedence] [tos tos] [dscp dscp]
[source-port sport [bitmask]] [destination-port dport [port-bitmask]]
[no] {permit | deny} tcp
{any | source address-bitmask | host source}
{any | destination address-bitmask | host destination}
[precedence precedence] [tos tos] [dscp dscp]
sport [bitmask]] [destination-port dport [port-bitmask]]
[control-flag control-flags flag-bitmask]
protocol-number – A specific protocol number. (Range: 0-255)
source – Source IP address.
destination – Destination IP address.
address-bitmask – Decimal number representing the address bits to match.
host – Keyword followed by a specific IP address.
precedence – IP precedence level. (Range: 0-7)
•tos – Type of Service level. (Range: 0-15)
dscp – DSCP priority level. (Range: 0-63)
sport – Protocol
source port number. (Range: 0-65535)
dport – Protocol
destination port number. (Range: 0-65535)
port-bitmask – Decimal number representing the port bits to match.
(Range: 0-65535)
control-flags – Decimal number (representing a bit string) that specifies flag
bits in byte 14 of the TCP header. (Range: 0-63)
flag-bitmask – Decimal number representing the code bits to match.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Extended ACL
24. Includes TCP, UDP or other protocol types.