
Before You Begin User's Guide
1.4 The Two System LEDs
The two System LEDs provide an alternate way to indicate power status of your system
unit as also provided by the Power LED as described in Chapter 1.3. The table below
illustrates how these two System LEDs behave in different situations.
Off The system is off or in hibernation mode.
Steady on
The system is running on AC power and the battery
is not inserted, or
The battery is fully charged.
Blinking The system is in Sleep mode.
Off The system is off or in hibernation mode.
Steady on
The battery is charging.
Blinking once
per 3 seconds
The battery is in use (discharging) and the system is not
connected to AC power.
Blinking once
per second
The battery energy level is down to 10%, or less.
steady in high
The system is not connected to AC power and the battery
level is below 5%, representing insufficient power to turn
on the system.
Incidentally when both LEDs are lit up steady in their respective colors, the battery pack is
either not charging or fails. In this situation, the Power LED will also lit up in purple.
Note: These Two System LEDs are located at rear side of the LCD display. For the
exact location, please refer to the Top View diagram in Chapter 1.2.
For more details on Sleep and Hibernate, please refer to Power Options in the
Control Panel of your Microsoft Windows operating system.
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