FX Series Programmable Controllers Menu Bar Function 6
6.4.2 Creating and editing the text library
The “Text Library” command allows to display in the DU the character string data base preliminarily registered
to the DU by specifying the object “Library Text” or “Indicator (Character String)” from the PC.
For the details of the library, refer to "7.2 Assigning character strings and graphics in libraries to the DU".
Text library creation dialog box
Common set item
[Text] Sets the character color of the alarm message when "Object"-"Alarms"-"Alarm List" is set on the
Individual set items
[Update] Updates the character string registered to the characters entered.
Point the No. in the character string list registered to be modified using the mouse, and click it.
Or enter a numeric to “1) No.” (The background color of the selected data is changed, and the
selected No. is displayed in “1) No.”)
Enter the desired characters to “2) Text”, and click the Update button.
[Insert] Registers additionally the character string to the specified registration No.
Enter the No. to be added to "1) No.", enter the characters to be displayed to "2) Text", then click
the Insert button or press the [Enter] key.
When the Insert button is clicked, "1" is added to "1) No."
[Delete] Deletes the character string registered.
Point the No. or character string to be deleted from the character string list registered using the
mouse (The background color of the selected data is changed, and the selected No. is
displayed in “1) No.”), then click the Delete button.
When selecting two or more consecutive character strings, point the head character string, then
point the end character while pressing and holding the [Shift] key.
[Exit] Closes and terminates the dialog box.
Description on the input areas
1 ) No. No. used when specifying directly the character string from the PC
2 ) Text Character string displayed in the DU
1) No. 2) Text
The Nos. and character strings already registered are displayed in the list.