FX Series Programmable Controllers Related Information 9
File No. and element specification range
Specify each file No. and each element in decimal. However, specify the bit position of bit (B) in
*1 File Nos. 10 to 255 are available in user settings.
*2 For each element, the bit position can be specified in the range from 0 to F (15).
Table 9.26:
Device name
File No.
Allowable element
specification range
Bit device
Bit (B) 3 10 to 255
0 to 255
Timer (timer bit) (TT) 4 10 to 255 0 to 255
Timer (completion bit) (TN) 4 10 to 255 0 to 255
Counter (effective up count bit) (CU) 5 10 to 255 0 to 255
Counter (effective down count bit) (CD) 5 10 to 255 0 to 255
Counter (completion bit) (CN) 5 10 to 255 0 to 255
Word device
Timer (preset value) (TP) 4 10 to 255 0 to 255
Timer (current value) (TA) 4 10 to 255 0 to 255
Counter (preset value) (CP) 5 10 to 255 0 to 255
Counter (current value) (CA) 5 10 to 255 0 to 255
Integer (N) 7 10 to 255 0 to 255