
FX Series Programmable Controllers Related Information 9
b) S7-200 Series PLC
*1 Bit devices T and C cannot be written.
*2 Word devices HC and AI cannot be written.
*3 A word device SM cannot be monitored.
*4 Word devices T and C are the 16-bit type.
*5 A word device HC is the 32-bit type.
No. expression
10 ) General-purpose communication (micro computer board)
*1 Special memory is offered for special application (such as interrupt output and communication error
information) of the GOT.
Table 9.30:
Device name Allowable setting monitor range
Device No.
Bit device
Variable Memory (V) V0.0 to V5119.7
Input (I) I0.0 to I7.7
Output (Q) Q0.0 to Q7.7
Bit memory (M) M0.0 to Q31.7
Special Memory (SM) SM0.0 to SM194.7
Timer (T)
T0 to T255
Counter (C)
C0 to C255
Sequence Control Relay (S) S0.0 to S31.7
Word device
Variable Memory (V) VW0 to VW5118
Input (I) IW0 to IW6
Output (Q) QW0 to QW6
Analog Input (AI)
AIW0 to AIW30
Analog Output (AQ) AQW0 to AQW30
Bit memory (M) MW0 to MW30
Special Memory (SM)
SMW0 to SMW192
Timer (T) (16bit)
T0 to T255
Counter (C) (16bit)
C0 to C255
High Speed Counter (HC) (32bit)
HC0 to HC2
Sequence Control Relay (S) SW0 to SW30
Table 9.31:
Device name
Allowable setting
monitor range
Device No.
Bit device
Bit data (M) M0 to M2047
Special memory (M)
M8000 to M8063
Word device
Word data (D) D0 to D4095
Special memory (M)
D8000 to D8015
Device No.
Bit device
Byte address
Word device
Bit address
0 to 7
Bit address
Device No.