9 - 5 9 - 5
9.4 Coincidence Output Function Does Not Operate Correctly
Check item Action
Are CH Coincidence signal No.1 reset command
(Y0, Y8) and CH
Coincidence signal No.2 reset
command (Y7, YF) off?
Turn off CH Coincidence signal No.1 reset command (Y0, Y8)
and/or CH
Coincidence signal No.2 reset command (Y7, YF).
Are the values in CH Coincidence output point set
No.1 (Un\G4, Un\G5, Un\G36, Un\G37) and CH
Coincidence output point set No.2 (Un\G6, Un\G7,
Un\G38, Un\G39) set within the count range of the
ring counter? (This item is for the ring counter
function only.)
Set the value(s) in CH
Coincidence output point set No.1
(Un\G4, Un\G5, Un\G36, Un\G37) and/or CH
Coincidence output
point set No.2 (Un\G6, Un\G7, Un\G38, Un\G39) within the count
range of the ring counter.
Is CH Coincidence signal enable command (Y2,
YA) on?
Turn on CH
Coincidence signal enable command (Y2, YA).
Is a voltage applied to the power supply terminal for
external coincidence output?
Apply a voltage to the power supply terminal for external
coincidence output.
Is the external wiring for the coincidence output point
No.1 terminal (EQU1) and the coincidence output
point No.2 terminal (EQU2) correct?
Check the external wiring and make necessary corrections.
9.5 Coincidence Detection Interrupt Does Not Occur
Check item Action
Is the intelligent function module interrupt pointer
setting in PLC parameter correct?
Review the intelligent function module interrupt pointer setting.
Is Program execution control instruction, such as the
IMASK instruction, correctly used?
Review the sequence program.
Are CH Counter value coincidence (point No.1) (X2,
X9) and CH
Counter value coincidence (point No.2)
(X6, XD) off?
Reset (turn off) CH
Counter value coincidence (point No.1) (X2,
X9) and/or CH
Counter value coincidence (point No.2) (X6, XD)
using CH Coincidence signal No.1 reset command (Y0, Y8)
and/or CH
Coincidence signal No.2 reset command (Y7, YF).
9.6 Present Value Cannot Be Replaced with the Preset Value
Check item Action
Is CH External preset request detection (X4, XB)
Reset (turn off) CH External preset request detection (X4, XB)
using CH External preset detection reset command (Y5, YD).
Is the external wiring for the preset input terminal
Check the external wiring and make necessary corrections.