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7 UTILITY PACKAGE (GX Configurator-CT)
(6) Number of parameters that can be set in GX Configurator-CT
When multiple intelligent function modules are mounted, the number of
parameter settings must not exceed the following limit.
Maximum number of parameter settings When intelligent function modules
are installed to:
Initial setting Auto refresh setting
Q00J/Q00/Q01CPU 512 256
Q02/Q02H/Q06H/Q12H/Q25HCPU 512 256
Q02PH/Q06PH/Q12PH/Q25PHCPU 512 256
Q12PRH/Q25PRHCPU 512 256
Q00UJ/Q00U/Q01UCPU 512 2048
Q02UCPU 2048 1024
4096 2048
Q50UDEH/Q100UDEHCPU Not available Not available
MELSECNET/H remote I/O station 512 256
For example, if multiple intelligent function modules are installed to the
MELSECNET/H remote I/O station, configure the settings in GX Configurator-CT
so that the number of parameter settings for all the intelligent function modules
does not exceed the limit of the MELSECNET/H remote I/O station. Calculate the
total number of parameter settings separately for the initial setting and for the
auto refresh setting.
The number of parameters that can be set for one module in GX Configurator-CT
is as shown below.
Target module Initial setting Auto refresh setting
QD62/QD62E/QD62D 8 (Fixed) 14 (Max.)
Example) Counting the number of parameter settings in Auto refresh setting