3 - 11 3 - 11
(7) CH Sampling/periodic setting (Un\G10, Un\G42)
• This area is used to write the time setting values of the sampling counter
function and periodic pulse counter function during counter function selection.
• The setting range is between 1 and 65535 (16-bit signed binary)
. The setting
unit is 10 (ms).
*1: When setting a value between 32768 and 65535 using a sequence program,
set the value in hexadecimal.
For example, for "62500", set the value "F424
Example) When "420" is set in this area
10= 4200 [ms]
(8) CH Sampling/periodic counter flag (Un\G11, Un\G43)
• This area is used to store the function operating status while the sampling
counter function and periodic pulse counter function are being executed during
counter function selection.
• One of the values corresponding to the function operation status shown in the
table below is stored in this area.
Operating status Buffer memory content
Idling function 0
Executing function 1
(9) CH Latch count value (Un\G12, Un\G13, Un\G44, Un\G45)
• This area is used to store the latch count values when the latch counter
function is executed.
• The stored value range is between -2147483648 and 2147483647 (32-bit
signed binary).
(10) CH Sampling count value (Un\G14, Un\G15, Un\G46, Un\G47)
• This area is used to store the sampling count values when the sampling
counter function is executed.
• The stored value range is between -2147483648 and 2147483647 (32-bit
signed binary).
(11) CH Periodic pulse count previous value (Un\G16, Un\G17,
Un\G48, Un\G49)
CH Periodic pulse count present value (Un\G18, Un\G19, Un\G50,
• The stored value range is between -2147483648 and 2147483647 (32-bit
signed binary).
(12) CH Ring counter minimum value (Un\G20, Un\G21, Un\G52,
CH Ring counter maximum value (Un\G22, Un\G23, Un\G54,
• This area is used to set the count range when the counter format is ring counter.
• The setting range is between -2147483648 and 2147483647 (32-bit signed