in onscreen keyboard 17
printing 97
problems with 177
Events. See Date Book
Exclamation marks in To Do List 121
adding Address Book data to
records 52–53
categorizing records 47
conduit for synchronizing 125
creating records 92
currency 94
date of item 93
defining new currency 95
menus 97
overview 91
printing reports 97
purging records 45
receipt details 93
type 93, 98
vendor 94
FAQ 173–183
FCC Statement 187
Files, linking to external 139
information in applications 49–51
phone numbers 50–51
using the Find application 50
Fonts 55, 56, 97
Formats preferences 147
Frequently asked questions 173–183
Frozen handheld 176
Games 150
General preferences
alarm sounds 150
auto-off delay 149
system sounds 150
Glossary. See Graffiti ShortCuts
accented characters 29
alphabet 24, 26
basic concepts 24
capital letters 27
Command stroke 42
defined 17
Giraffe game for practicing 17
how to write characters 25
menu commands 41
moving the cursor 30
numbers 27
online Help 44, 144
problems using 176
punctuation marks 28
ShortCuts for entering data 30, 164–165
symbols 29
tips 25
writing 24
writing area 10, 24
Hard reset 169, 175
Graffiti 44
online tips 15
Hiding records 114
conduits for synchronizing
applications 125–126, 170, 171
conduits for synchronizing applications,
Mac 126–127
customizing 125, 126
first-time operation 127–132, 140–142
IR operation 132
linking to external files 139
local operation 128, 178, 179
local operation on Mac 131
modem settings 136
operations using cable 139, 146
operations using IR port 133–134, 146–
problems with 178–181
problems with IR 180
remote operation 135–139, 179–180
restoring data 170–171
setting options 123–124
using with another PIM 61