date for event 80
phone numbers in Address Book 65
text 44
Sending data. See Beaming information
selecting for network 151
templates 156, 161
Settings. See Preferences
backing up 125
managing 164–165
menu commands 41
predefined 31
preferences 164–165
using 30
Soft reset 168
applications 38
records 53–54, 177
Sounds. See Alarm and System sounds
dragging with 16
pen stroke to activate a feature 144
tapping with 15
writing with 11, 23
Sunday, to start week 148
for currency 94
in Graffiti writing 29
conduit 125
requirements for Desktop software 5
sounds 150
Tab delimited files, importing data from 34,
Tapping 15, 176
TCP/IP 143, 150, 162
TDA (To Do List archive file) 34
Technical Support 173, 183
copying 44
cutting 44
entry. See Entering data
files, importing data from 34, 35
fonts for 55
selecting all 44
Thousands separator 148
alarm setting 82
format 148
setting current 20
setting event 78
start and end for Date Book Day view 90
Tips, online 15
To Do List
adding Address Book data to
records 50–51
archive files (.tda) 34
categorizing records 46, 121
checking off items 119
completed items 121
completion date 121
conduit for synchronizing 125
creating records 43
deleting records 45, 84
due date 120–121
fonts 55
menus 121
notes for records 54–55
opening 117
overview 117
prioritizing records 118, 121
private records 116
purging records 45–46, 121
sorting records 53
Today. See Current date
Transmitting data. See Beaming information
Troubleshooting 183
Turning off handheld
automatically 149
pen stroke for 145
problems with 175
Turning on handheld
application buttons 11
displaying owner’s name 163
power button 10
problems with 175
Undoing actions 44
Uninstalling Desktop software 61
Unresponsive handheld 176