Network Preferences 162
Note Pad 106
To Do List 121
Microsoft Outlook, connecting to 13, 178
Modem initialization string 147
Monday, to start week 148
Month (Date Book view) 87, 90
Moving the cursor (Graffiti writing) 30
MPA (Memo Pad archive file) 34
connecting 156
connection type 157
idle timeout 157
login scripts 159–161
password 152
phone settings 153
preferences 150–163
primary DNS 158
secondary DNS 158
selecting connection 152
selecting service 151
TCP/IP 150
user name 151
Note Pad
alarm 105
clearing notes 44, 105
conduit for synchronizing 125
copying notes into other
applications 103
entering data 31
menus 106
opening 31, 103
overview 103
private records 116
reviewing notes 104
Notes, attaching to records 54–55
decimal point and thousands
separator 148
Graffiti writing 27
onscreen keyboard 14, 23
Onscreen keyboard 16, 23, 44
Address Book 63
applications 37
Calculator 69
Clock 73, 74
Date Book 77
Expense 91
Memo Pad 99, 103
Note Pad 31, 103
onscreen keyboard 145
Security 109
To Do List 117
Organizer (Lotus PIM) 34
Outlook, connecting to 13, 178
Overlapping events 89
Owner preferences 163
Passwords 109–113
changing 110
creating 109
deleting 110
for network 152
forgotten 113, 182
notes into other applications 103
text 44
Payment, Expense item 94
Pen stroke, full-screen 144–145
Personal information managers. See PIM
Phone Lookup 50–51
selecting phone numbers for Address
list 66
selecting types of phone numbers 65
settings for ISP or dial-in server 153–155
Pick lists 14
PIM (personal information manager)
using HotSync Manager with 61
using with handheld 13
See also Desktop software
Ports, IR on handheld 132
Power button 10
PPP 157
PQA (query application file extension) 58
PRC (application file extension) 58