System Outline
30 Installation Manual
KX-TD1232 Slave System (KX-TD187 or KX-TD290 is not connected to the master
KX-TD1232 Slave System (KX-TD187 or KX-TD290 is connected to the master system)
• : Combination possible; : Combination not possible;
Shaded part: These combinations appear elsewhere in the table.
x: Any number (e.g., KX-TD17x can be KX-TD170 or KX-TD171)
• The KX-TD187 and KX-TD290 can only be connected to the master system.
• When the KX-TD187 or KX-TD290 is connected to the master system, Outside Line and
Basic Rate Interface (BRI) in the slave system do not work.
• * When KX-TD290 is connected to the master system, KX-TD284 is only used for ISDN
extension ports in the slave system. When KX-TD187 is connected to the master system,
KX-TD284 is not available to be connected to the slave system.
Basic (no unit connected)
+ KX-TD17x
+ KX-TD180 / KX-TD185
+ KX-TD284
+ KX-TD38x
+ KX-TD17x + KX-TD17x
+ KX-TD17x + KX-TD180 /
+ KX-TD17x + KX-TD284
+ KX-TD17x + KX-TD38x
Basic (no unit connected)
+ KX-TD17x
+ KX-TD17x + KX-TD17x
Basic (no unit connected)
+ KX-TD17x
+ KX-TD284
+ KX-TD17x + KX-TD17x
+ KX-TD17x + KX-TD284
KX-TD17x KX-TD284