COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
1-6 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
Format for Documenting Commands in this Manual
Each command documented in this manual begins on a new page. If the command is disruptive
(i.e., interferes with the primary data channel), the word Disruptive is indicated immediately below
the command name.
The format for documenting each command is the same. The function of the command is briefly
summarized. Then the information fields are listed, as follows:
Access Level
Identifies the user group that is allowed to access the command. NMS commands are
associated with at least one of four default user groups, or access levels. These levels are,
in order of increasing command permission:
• Help Desk
• Data Technician
• Manager
• System Administrator
In addition to the four default user groups, the NMS System
Administrator can create up to 26 other user groups for each
command in this manual. It is the responsibility of the NMS System
Administrator to inform all the users of their system.
To execute a command, users must have the appropriate functional access level set in their
user profile. Any command associated with a particular user group can be executed by
any user that has equal or greater command permission. Therefore, it is assumed that the
System Administrator has access to all commands. If a user does not have permission to a
command, that command is not displayed in the user’s menus. If the user attempts to
invoke the command in the enter selection field, a message is returned indicating that
permission is denied. The default access levels for all commands are listed in Appendix B
in the COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System User’s/System
Administrator’s Guide.
Identifies the abbreviation of the command as it appears in the command submenus. If the
command submenus are bypassed by typing the command in the enter selection field, the
command abbreviation must be entered exactly as shown.
An abbreviation is provided for each command. For some commands, an alternate
command abbreviation from earlier 6800 Series NMS releases is also recognized. For
such commands, these alternate abbreviations are also listed.