2Modem/DSU Commands
2-596800-A2-GB31-20 January 1997
Change Options Input Forms
When the cho command is accessed, an initial input form displays for device specification.
This input form contains the following field:
Device (Required field)
Enter the device whose options are to be changed. Standard addressing format applies to
the input. For information on device addressing, refer to Appendix D of the
COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System User’s/System Administrator’s
For 3900 Series devices, the pop-menu entry callcnctOnly for the
Release 4.2 NMS call message filed on the input form is now a
valid selection.
The following field is displayed on the final Change Options input form page for all
COMSPHERE devices:
Set CNN event (Required field)
If configuration change notification has been enabled for this device, use this field to
determine whether or not this configuration change will be reported to the NMS.
Enter yes to report this change to the NMS.
Enter no (default) to prevent this change from being reported to the NMS. If
configuration change notification has been disabled for this modem, configuration
changes are not reported to the NMS regardless of what is entered here.
A pop-up menu is available listing valid selections.
For COMSPHERE devices, options vary according to the device you selected on the initial form.
Once the device is identified, subsequent input forms display the set of device options applicable to
the selected device. Use these input forms to change the options for the device, as appropriate.
Refer to the individual device documentation for a description and definition of the options
available for a specific device.
For DATAPHONE II devices, the options are contained in eleven categories. Each category
includes up to eight options. The categories are designated by alpha characters from A through K.
Each option within a category is designated by a number from 1 through 8 (e.g., Category A –
Service Offerings contains options A1 through A4, Category B – Timing Control contains options
B1 through B6, etc.). All options currently installed are indicated by an x opposite the
alphanumeric designation (e.g., x:A2). Type x in the field to turn the option on. Clear the field to
turn the option off. Some fields may be mutually exclusive and not allow other fields to be turned
on at the same time.
Change Options Results Form
The results forms for all COMSPHERE and DATAPHONE II devices list device information for
all specified devices and redisplays the options specified by the user.