COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
2-22 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
Action upon exceeding maximum number (Required field)
Enter one of the following options:
The no answer fault is immediately reported to the NMS when the specified
maximum number of non-answered calls is reached.
The no answer fault is immediately reported to the NMS and the modem is
placed in the busy state.
The no answer fault is not reported. Use this option to keep a running total of
the traffic statistics counters without having alerts reported when the specified
number is reached. Statistics can be examined using the Call Fault Read (cfr)
command. The counters are the number of answered calls, non-answered calls,
and calls that enter the data mode.
When a no answer or short holding time fault parameter is reset with the cfc
command, all the traffic statistics counters are reset to zero; however, if skip is
entered here, the counters for the no answer fault are not reset to zero.
Entries into data mode/sample (Required field)
Enter the number of calls entering the Data mode in the sample. Valid entries are from 5
through 100.
Minimum average call holding time/sample (Required field)
Enter the minimum average Data mode holding time (in seconds). Valid values are from 1
to 600 seconds.
Action upon exceeding minimum average (Required field)
Enter one of the following:
The short holding time fault is reported to the NMS whenever a call does not
achieve the specified minimum holding time.