User Interfaces DMD15/DMD15L IBS/IDR Satellite Modem
4-74 TM051 – Rev. 5.8
Opcode: <2606h> Command a modulator's modulation type
Modulation Type 0 = QPSK, 1 = BPSK, 2 = 8PSK, 3 = 16QAM, 4 = OQPSK
Opcode: <2607h> Command a modulator’s convolutional encoder
<1> Convolutional
0 = None, 1 = Viterbi 1/2 Rate, 2 = Viterbi 2/3 Rate, 3 = Viterbi
3/4 Rate, 4 = Viterbi 5/6 Rate, 5 = Viterbi 7/8 Rate, 6 = Viterbi
8/9 Rate, 7 = Sequential 1/2 Rate, 8 = Sequential 2/3 Rate, 9 =
Sequential 3/4 Rate, 10 = Sequential 5/6 Rate, 11 = Sequential
7/8 Rate, 12 = Sequential 8/9 Rate, 13 = Trellis 1/2 Rate, 14 =
Trellis 2/3 Rate, 15 = Trellis 3/4 Rate, 16 = Trellis 5/6 Rate, 17
= Trellis 7/8 Rate, 18 = Trellis 8/9 Rate, 19 = SEQ 3/4 Rate,
20 = TPC .793 2D, 21 = TPC .495 3D, 22 = TPC .325 3D
Note: This command also turns the carrier off to protect
the satellite.
Opcode: <2608h> Command a modulator’s differential encoder
<1> Differential Encoder 0 = Off, 1 = On, 2 = EF Mode*
*Available in uncoded QPSK modulation for compatibility.
Opcode: <2609h> Command a modulator’s carrier control
Carrier Control 0 = Off, 1 = On
Opcode: <260Ah> Command a modulator’s carrier selection
Carrier Selection 0 = Normal. 1 = CW, 2 = Dual, 3 = Offset, 4 = Pos Fir, 5 = Neg Fir
Opcode: <260Bh> Command a modulator’s clock control
Clock Control 0 = SCTE, 1 = SCT, 2 = EXT EXC
Opcode: <260Ch> Command a modulator’s clock polarity
Clock Polarity 0 = Normal, 1 = Inverted, 2 = Auto
Opcode: <260Dh> Command a modulator’s SCT source
<1> SCT Source 0 = Internal. 1 = SCR
Opcode: <260Eh> Command a modulator’s drop mode
<1> Drop Mode 0 = Disabled, 1 = T1-D4, 2 = T1-ESF, 3 = PCM-30, 4 = PCM-
30C, 5 = PCM-31, 6 = PCM-31C, 7 = SLC-96, 8 = T1 D4 S, 9 =
Opcode: <260Fh> Command a modulator’s output level
<2> Transmit Power Level Signed value. +50 to -300 (5.0 to -30.0 dBm). The range is
+5.0 to –20 dBm for the 70/140 MHz type modems and –5.0 to
–30 dBm for the L-Band type modems (implied decimal point)
(two’s compliment).
Opcode: <2610h> Command a modulator's Reed Solomon
<1> Reed Solomon 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable
Opcode: <2611h> Command a modulator's spectrum
<1> Spectrum 0 = Normal, 1 = Inverted
Opcode: <2612h> Command a modulator's operating mode