DMD15/DMD15L IBS/IDR Satellite Modem Record of Revisions
TM051 - Rev. 5.8 v
DMD15/DMD15L IBS/IDR Universal Satellite
Installation and Operation Manual
TM051 – Record of Revisions
Radyne, Inc. is constantly improving its products and therefore the information in this document is
subject to change without prior notice. Radyne, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind with regard to
this material, Including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose. No responsibility for any errors or omissions that may pertain to the material
herein is assumed. Radyne, Inc. makes no commitment to update nor to keep current the
information contained in this document. Radyne, Inc. assumes no responsibility for use of any
circuitry other than the circuitry employed in Radyne, Inc. systems and equipment.
Date Reason for Change
1.0 6-18-96 Initial Release.
2.0 9-1-96 Expanded Drop and Insert Section, updated menu trees and descriptions,
added Strap Code Table, updated Fault Menus, added UIO Interface
Settings, updated Specifications Section.
2.1 9-16-96 Added DMD15/DMD15L Terminal Screens (Appendix C), added Modem
Loopback Figures, expanded Principles of Operation Section, added IBS
Conditions and Faults Table, added new Universal Interface Illustrations and
pinout tables.
2.2 11-25-96 Expanded Drop and Insert Data and figures, added BER Curves, added
additional Interface Pinout Tables and descriptions.
3.0 12-16-96 Added Reed-Solomon Menu Tree enhancements, added Clocking Data
Definitions, minor rearrangements and clarifications.
3.1 4-10-97 Added additional Reed-Solomon Data, additional UIM Data, and minor
corrections to pinout tables.
4.0 8-1-99 Added AUPC data, new Menu Screens, L-Band Data, ESC Audio Data and
minor corrections
4.1 7-31-00 Added AGC Output Data on Table 2-5.
5.0 12-14-01 Revised and reformatted entire Technical Manual.
5.1 1-30-02 Removed Ethernet Port section.
5.2 3-5-02 Revised Sections 4.3.2, Mod Data (menu), and 4.3.3, Demod Data (menu).
5.3 6-11-02 Revised Section 1.1.12.
5.4 8-22-02 Revised Sections 7.0 and 7.1.
5.5 8-26-02 Added Modem Status pinouts to Section 5.0.
5.6 9-17-03 Updated user interface, added reacquisition description, updated RLLP.
5.7 7-30-04 Revised RLLP.
5.8 10-15-05 Revised Sections 4.0 & 5.0