User Interfaces DMD15/DMD15L IBS/IDR Satellite Modem
4-6 TM051 – Rev. 5.8
Strap Code: {Refer to Strap Code Guide, Table 4-4}
The Strap Code is a quick set key that sets many
modem parameters. Consult the strap code guide for
available strap codes. Parameters set by strap code:
Data Rate
Code Rate
Frame Type
Scrambler Type
Spectrum Mask
Mod IF (menu):
Frequency: {50 – 90 MHz, 100 – 180 MHz, or 950 – 1750 MHz (L-
Allows the user to enter the Modulator IF Frequency in 1
Hz increments.
Power: {+5 to –20 dBm} {-5 to –30 L-Band}
Allows the user to enter the Transmitter Power Level.
The DMD15 has a digital/analog crossover point at -7.4
to -7.5 dBm (-17.4 to -17.5 dBm L-Band) when the output
power level setting crosses this threshold, the modulator
may glitch and undershoot the output momentarily.
Carrier Ctrl: {On, Off}
The DMD15 transmitter will turn off the carrier output
automatically when the modem determines there is a
major alarm. This is done to prevent the carrier from
outputting an unknown spectrum and possibly disturbing
adjacent carriers. This automatic drop of the carrier can
be overridden by masking the alarm that is causing the
fault. This will keep the modulator output spectrum
transmitting, even when the fault occurs.
Spectrum Inv: {Normal, Inverted}
Allows the user to invert the direction of rotation for PSK
Modulation. Normal meets the IESS Specification.
Modulation: {QPSK, BPSK, OQPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM}
Allows the user to select the modulation type.
Spectrl Msk: {Intelsat}
Allows the user to set the spectral shape of Tx Data