M2540-92000-01 A M2540 Ultrasound System Field Service Manual Page 114
Performance Tests: Resident Self Tests
➤ Closing the RST Application
You can close the RST application using either of the following two methods:
• Click the Close button at the upper right corner of the RST window.
• Press the Alt and Report keys together.
When the RST application closes, a window asks if you want to reboot.
➤ Running a Basic Test
The basic test checks custom M2540A hardware. The basic test executes in less than five
minutes and requires no operator interaction while executing.
To run a basic test:
1. Launch the RST application. (See “Launching the RST Application” on page 113.)
2. Log on using a valid service name and password.
3. Click the Te s t tab in the main RST window.
4. Click Basic Test in the tree view.
5. To run the test a specific number of times, enter the number in the Repeat Test Count:
field. To run the test continuously, enter zero in the field.
6. Click Run. Testing begins.
7. When the testing is done, click OK in the message box.