M2540-92000-01 A M2540 Ultrasound System Field Service Manual Page 207
Display All the information visible on the system's monitor, including ultrasound images, measurements,
system state, patient information, etc.
Documentation Everything produced as a result of an ultrasound exam: prints, film, VCR tape, M/O disk of
images, network archive of images, all measurements and calculations, image annotations, and
the sonographer's or physician's exam-related comments.
ECG Electrocardiogram. The system displays a live ECG waveform if one is connected and activated.
Highlight An indication that a control is active. Text on a CRT screen is highlighted by displaying it in
reverse video (light-on-dark, or dark-on-light, whichever is the reverse of the normal display).
Keys on the keyboard are highlighted by lighting an adjacent LED. Softkeys are highlighted by
changing the value associated with them.
Hospital informa-
tion system
The computer databases and networks of an institution.
Image An ultrasound view that is either actively displayed or archived. An image can be represented by
a single frame, a continuous loop, a 3D volume set, a Doppler spectral trace, Doppler audio, an
ECG waveform, etc.
Imaging mode 2D, Color, Angio, Mmode, PW Doppler, CW Doppler, 3D, etc.
Institution A hospital, lab, clinic, or office.
Live imaging mode Any unfrozen system mode that includes a two-dimensional image being created in real-time
(that is, not retrieved from VCR tape, Cine Loop memory, etc.).
Live mode Any unfrozen system mode that shows acoustic data in real-time. Live mode includes scanning
with a non-imaging transducer. Compare to Live Imaging mode.