M2540-92000-01 A M2540 Ultrasound System Field Service Manual Page 208
Mmode Method of image processing in which the display is recorded as a spot of light for each detected
sound pulse returning from a moving target. Produces a single-dimensional time/motion display
of detected anatomical structures.
MOD Magneto-optical disk; a type of removable data storage.
Modality work list A list of patient names and associated studies to occur.
Option A piece of system functionality that a user can purchase.
Peripherals Output devices such as VCR, MOD, hard-copy printers, network interface, etc.
Preset A group of control settings that optimizes the system for a particular exam.
Pulsed Wave
Doppler mode
A mode that uses pulsed ultrasound. The detected frequency shifts can produce audio signals, or
they can display graphically as a spectral trace.
Scanning window An area of the 2D image pertaining to one of three specific modes: 2D, Color, or Zoom. The
windows pertaining to these areas are called the 2D, Flow, and Zoom windows
Select To indicate a choice, as in choosing an item from a menu.
Setup parameters System settings that can be configured to accommodate the user's requirements and
Sonographer A non-physician who has been trained to perform ultrasound studies. The sonographer performs
the patient study directly on the patient and captures results for later review by a reviewing
System text Text showing settings of parameters having to do with system operation.
System settings Refers to the values of a set of controls of the ultrasound system.